University in the Old Town – Arts and Humanities

An entertaining stroll through six centuries of Heidelberg University and student life, including visits to the festive Old Lecture Hall and the historic Student Prison, as well as the University Library and St. Peter’s Church.
Dates (in German): every Saturday from April 3 to October 30, 2020, at 3:00 p.m
(except September 25)
Meeting Point: Neckarmünz Square, Tourist Information (Additional cost for Student prison)
Tel: 06221-303716
The tour is available for booking in German, English,
Spanish, Chinese, Polish and French
What was communal life like in the medieval student dorms? The special role of disputations, i.e. debates, in medieval student life. What kind of financial aid did they have at the time? Why did students have to read between the lines? Why were hunting, fencing, and the carrying of arms student privileges? Was there a dress code? How does the University approach research tasks today?
These questions and more are the focus of our tour, as we trace the development of our ancient University from its initial foundation through the passage of often perilous times right up to the present day.