Gift coupons
Give the perfect present…
… a gift coupon for one of our themed tours!
The attractive gift coupon comes with a brochure describing all currently available
themed tours. The certificate allows the recipient(s) to take part in one of our public tours, or to book a tour privately for any date (price as for group bookings).
Public theme tours are generally given in German (exceptions are listed in the brochure).
Private tours are available in a wide variety of languages.
Prices for a public tour per person:
€ 8.00 (adults) / € 6.00 (children + students)
Prices for group bookings for themed tours (excluding entrance fees)
1 ½ – 2 hours (28 people max)
Tour in German € 125.00
Tour in other languages € 135.00
School class tours in German € 100.00
School class tours in other languages € 110.00
Additional fee for costumed tours € 20.00
For the gift that provides lasting pleasure, contact:
Tel./Fax: 06221 – 769294